Thursday, July 21, 2016

Day FIVE :)

For some reason day 5 feels like a real accomplishment - maybe because we've been walking the pilgrimage for an entire full time job work week. Eight hours a day for five days. Feels pretty good. 

Last night before our late meal, we walked around Pola de Allande and found the house that MJ's Grandma's Aunt grew up in. What a cool place. The river runs right through this little valley town, and the houses ooze history and preservation and love. 

This giant building is where her family lived. 

This morning both of us were feeling the exhaustion of what we've taken on. We dragged our feet a bit knowing that we had a steep climb in front of us. 

Up, up, up for several kilometers, we finally reached the top. 

From 583 to 1133 meters - dragging our blistered feet. 

From there we had a really steep decent, and I am going to admit out loud that I'd rather go up than down. 

My favorite thing about traveling with MJ is her honesty, humor, and willingness to laugh and see the bright side of any situation. Yes, she was my student, but she is more like a sister to me. We've decided that our Camino name is hermanas cabeza dura (stubborn sisters). I am old enough to be her mother and I think that is part of the reason we get along so well

. We are not in competition  with each other, we want the best for each other, but we are competing - with ourselves. 

A good hiking partner knows just what to say and today we came up with this: 

Push yourself past your threshold of pain, preserve, and be stronger because of it. 

Day 5: Pola de Allande to Berducedo - 21 km

Arriving to town we are boh starving. I never know what I'm getting, so I just order something. Today this is what was put in front me for lunch. 

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