Monday, December 16, 2013

pods of homogenousity

I would like to know where in your life, in the non school world, are we heterogeneously mixed? Like, don't you have a job that other people chose and by that default don't you have something in common? Doesn't your job require you to have a basic level of reading and writing and by that default aren't you a bit homogenous? Look around your office tomorrow? How different do people look? Where do you grocery shop, who's there with you? And, don't misunderstand me here, I'm not talking about color, sex, race, I'm talking about the bipolar, schizophrenic, who thinks he was a dragon in his past life. Is he at your work? Would you come in contact with that person at all in your routine?

I got to thinking as I spent more hours tweaking the physics exam and then more hours on top of that writing a modified exam. Schools are mixing kids at extreme, obnoxious levels, like a kid that doesn't read at all, not even the word "even", to a kid at 9th grade level reading. The 9th grade reader didn't go to school to be a teacher, yet, so it is not only unfair, but unethical to say, oh sit the nonreader next to the proficient reader and the proficient reader will help him. What? Who came up with that plan. Oh, I know, a system that wants to cut corners and save money. Let's mix the kids, to pump up class sizes because kids are mixed in life, right? Right? Are they? When is the last time you hung out with someone who can't read? Where is that kid going to go? Would you say that your life is spent mostly with people you have something in common with? Don't you choose your activities based on what you like, like the rest of the world and therefore you find yourself with people that you are like instead of not like.

What is the rationale? I see that we aren't sending kids to mental institutions, but instead to classrooms, but it is hard for me to see the big picture. Especially since I drive by the homeless shelter twice a day, every day and I see that the lines and line of people are not well. Did they go to high school and get shoved in a stupid physics class, which did nothing to help them cope with the blunt world that awaits them. Am I just contributing to this crooked system?

I did modify the exam and I think the Newton's Laws questions are more accessible now, but who cares?

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