Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I studied Geology, but really?

This is the face of an angel, right? I couldn't agree more, but guess what her new bad habit is... eating rocks. Small rocks, more like pebbles, just a bit bigger than aquarium rocks, but she eats enough that 10-20 are piled in her poop each night. Where is she dining on this delicious snack, you ask? At day care.
I'm bummed. This day care has been a life saver, truly. Ten hour work days are killing me and I would not be able to pull it off without knowing that she is busy playing all day, but now... 

Why in the hell would a dog eat rocks? So, I looked this up online and I can't believe how many articles there are on dogs and people eating rocks. Apparently there is this condition, I don't know if that is how it should be categorized, but this condition has a name, pica. Common enough to be labeled. There are people out there that eat rocks? What?

My online search was a bit fruitless since the advice was an overwhelming, just get your dog away from rocks. I did tell the day care staff and today when I picked her up they said they didn't see her eat a single rock and sure enough she pooped out about 10. I only estimated.

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