Monday, September 23, 2013

Why Mondays are fantastic days, aren't they

Um, it's 70 degrees in my house right now. That is CHILLY, seriously, I don't like this, at all. I actually considered putting on the heat, but thought I should wait and try not to be such a sissy.

On the way home from school today I heard the radio guy say, "the train wreck that is Blackberry", and I thought about my blog post 2 years ago when I moved to the DR and wanted an iphone but the whole country was out so I had to get a piece of crap blackberry and I got some snide remark as a comment on my blog about being a snotty beatch and now I want to say, HA, told you blackberry was crapberry.

Maybe my bitchiness has caused some karmic issues because I found out that I have a mouth full of problems after my dentist visit. I did pick out some awesome glasses so now, after two years of squinting I can finally see again.

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