Tuesday, September 3, 2013


So what did you think of the "Failure as a Tool" graphic? I love it. My two favorite parts... "It's not easy to do new things" and "Just try epic shit" The one piece I would completely remove it "Be like Jordan" because although he was a talented basketball player, he's a complete douche and I don't want any of my students aspiring to be like him.

I'm thinking of printing this out and giving it to each of my kids. One of the problems I foresee is the fact that I'm super excited about the graphic and my kids will probably try to act all cool and pretend that it isn't one of the most awesome things they've seen and my feelings will get hurt.

I fail everyday at something I try. Being a teacher lends itself to trying, failing, reflecting and trying again. It does get frustrating when you think you've put together a fantastic, interesting lesson and the kids just sit there as if they've all had lobotomies.

One good thing about being a teacher is although I am putting in 11 hour days at school and then coming home to plan/grade/organize, I am already imagining my next epic adventure. Where shall I go this summer?

I almost just quit today when the district made a mistake on my years of experience and tried to get me to sign a contract at step 5, which as you can imagine is way lower on the salary schedule than I should be. My drive home consisted of whether I would stay in Denver and work at the Doggie Day Care or flee.

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