Sunday, September 8, 2013

Let's all be grateful I'm not a "real" mom

Yesterday confirmed my decision not to have kids. Geesh are you guys crazy? For the first time since my babysitting days (which I hated by the way) 30 years ago, I spent the day in charge of a kid. The whole day I was worried he would hurt himself. How do you do it? How do you get in your car and drive when at any moment you could be the cause of an accident and injure your kid? I hate when parents hover over their kids, but I think I would be a hover-er. At the park all I could envision was him falling and busting his head open. Wait for me, don't run too fast, watch where you walk, don't lean over the water too far. It was exhausting.

And then there's all those thoughts that you are going to say and do the wrong thing and your kid is going to grow up and be an ass hole. Why would you want that... pressure, stress, responsibility?

Maybe it's because I see the result of bad parenting every day. On Friday the local police actually sent kids home early from two high schools here because of "credible threats". The rumor is that it's gang related retaliation from a murder that happened last week. Were there parents not strict enough? Too strict? 

I have a kid in my class that is bipolar and he is an absolute mess. Makes animal noises, moves his arms and legs at random times, shouts out random ideas.

Yup, I'm glad I have my crazy little puppy to keep my biological mothering needs at bay.

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