I can't read Cesar Milan fast enough! I've never had a puppy so I'm not really sure the protocol, but so far I've let her sleep in my bed, eat as much as she wants, and run around in the park. The plan in my head was to let her sleep in her little crate thing on the floor and she was whining and I was worried about her because she's been with her siblings since birth. I snatched her up from the floor and she curled right up under my armpit. She woke up twice in the night and both times I ran down three flights of stairs and into the grass and she peed twice and pooed once. I, on the other hand, didn't do much in the form of sleeping. She is so tiny and last night she was so pathetic that I was super worried. Tonight, however, is already a much different story.
After school and leaving her alone for 8 hours I rushed home as fast as possible and took her to the grass where she immediately pooed. I'm sure she peed on the tile floor somewhere, but it seem like evaporation swiped it away. She was still acting timid so we played a bit and then I needed a bit of a rest from my sleepless night. After a wink of rest I took her to the park and we played and then I did my workout walk with her in my arms. She kept her head up, alert, the entire time and throughout the walk I let her down for a jaunt. At the end I figured out that it's best if I do a really slow jog and then she'll try to keep going. If not she likes to stop and just stare in your direction. We're just working things out.
At home, tonight, she acted as if someone put crack cocaine in her food. She was super hyper when I thought the walk would have exhausted her. After some food and another poo she is finally asleep.
I need a zen moment to prepare for night 2.
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