Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fresa Sacapuntas

I may be foggy from the lack of sleep, a little short tempered, and my mind may still be racing with unproductive thoughts, but for the past 6 days I have smiled more than in the past 6 months. There is just something about the lick of a puppy, the accomplishment when she potties in the right spot, or her tromping though the leaves that brings a deep, pure smile to your face.

It's impossible to take photos when she's awake, because if she's awake she is running around at top speed trying to bite everything in sight. I have to wait for her few moments of calm when I'm around. I've been leaving her alone all day while I work and she seems to be entertaining herself ok, but I'm sure she mostly sleeps and then waits til I get home to be crazy. I'm looking forward to some doggie time this summer.

I finally decided on a name... after almost a week and a hundred suggestions, I've chosen Fresa, which means technically is strawberry, but also can mean high maintenance. Like if a girl is taking a really long time to get ready because she's being super primpy, you can call her a fresa. Her middle name is Sacapuntas in honor of a close friend that I worked with in Bolivia. Sacapuntas, literally pencil sharpener, is her favorite word and when I asked what I should name her that word instantly came up, which also made me have a huge smile!

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