Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The magic of Fronton

Have you ever been to a place that just feels inspiring? A place where it seems that artists flock? A place that when you go there is a blanket of energy that swarms around you? Playa Fronton is magical. I don't think you should just go for a day trip, I think you should camp on the beach.

You can hike from Galeras, or take the boat. Be warned... there is no fresh water, no bathrooms, and the locals have seemed to have started their own landfill...

I've noticed that the mentally here is that they future is not "our" problem, "our" problem is the bottom line for today. Money, money and more money, pennies at a time, is the main concern and because of that there isn't a concern for sustainability. 
The trash piles are behind rocks and out of the first views of the beach, but it doesn't take long to discover the filth.

One of the problems here is that the beautiful parts are so freaking beautiful that there doesn't seem to be any problems. I mean look at this...

Crystal clear water, the calmness caused by the reef protection. Shadows of palm trees, contrasting blue skies. Does this look like a problem? Not at all.

From the surface, all seems well. Dig a little deeper and you'll see damaged coral. Those same corals that are providing a barrier of protection from the crashing waves.

Get a little higher, on the cliff and you can really see the impact of the corals...

These tiny animals that build houses made of calcium carbonate are not only providing a physical barrier, but they are also providing an underwater habitat for other creatures. Living systems like to have balance. You like balance, the coral reef ecosystem likes balance. 

Dominicans refer to Fronton as a "Virgin Beach", but that status is changing. Fast. This trip we took 20 students and instead of trying to tell kids about the reefs from a book we sat in the sand and had class.

Teaching is an awesome profession. Teachers make the world a better place. 

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