Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The birthday creeps

I suppose I'll accept that I'm not going to be bitten by a vampire and stop turning 41. It's creeping, that day I used to enjoy. Didn't February just start? How can the 9th be just around the corner? I still think that February 9 is a freaking good birthday. Aquarius. Sensible, normal people - ha. I have to say that I feel much better about 41 than I did 40. What the hell. 

I did have a revelation today while walking home... if I am no longer a high school teacher does that mean I have to start dressing like an adult? My inappropriate obsession with graphic tees probably is going to have to come to an end. What about my "chillaxasaurus" t-shirt one of my students bought me for xmas? I'm sure I could still get away with that one. I have, more than once, used the excuse that I am a teacher to act like a teenager. I actually think teenagers are really funny. I am mostly amused, but then again, I don't have to live with one. 

Now is a good time as any to start my self search with the zodiac... Who am I?

Huh, I actually care what other people think too much, this can't be right...

creepily close to me...

Definitely not unemotional.

Working on grateful.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmmm. Given that I would have never even met you based on your preconceived notions that hubby and I were "druggies", I'm thinking you would NOT have made a great hippie, as that first one indicates. I would however, strongly agree that you are Most likely to save the world, fascinated by everything, (fiercely) independent, rebellious, and fabulously original.