Wednesday, February 27, 2013

and the cannons blasted

Today is Dominican Independence Day. Thanks to Juan Pablo Duarte the Dominicans won their independence from Haiti and the island became divided. I was thinking about this conflict and the animosity that still exists between Dominicans and Haitians. Maybe it's because the independence was only gained in 1844 there is still much hatred. I was thinking about people I know in the US and what we think about the British when 4th of July comes around. I, personally, don't have any hard feelings, but I don't know anyone that was around the original Colonies in the late 1700's. It could also be the fact that we don't share a border with the British, and them being a sea away makes them quite out of sight out of mind. Here there is a mass migration of Haitians and the Dominicans I talk to can't stand it.

It's a day off of school today. With no family to celebrate with a group of fake friended teachers are headed out of the city and away from the potential gun shots and fireworks. I just hope people take a few minutes today to be grateful for this beautiful side of the island. Instead of a day of styrofoam and balloons, maybe they could pick up a few pieces of trash, or help bury that dead dog on the side of the road in the park this morning... A girl can dream, right?

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