Thursday, November 10, 2011

1st Annual Yemma-girls trip

I know I'm supposed to be practicing living in the moment, but GUESS WHAT - I'm going to NYC over break!!!!!! Yes, I'm already excited about December 18, and it's not even November 18 yet... That just happens when you are a teacher and thinking that the best thing about quarter 2 is winter break...

This will be my first Christmas back to North Carolina in many years. I started to freak out a bit, with the thought of having 3 weeks off back home, so I decided to plan a little trip for my sister and I. We toyed with the idea of kayaking in Belize and as we looked around we realized that the cost and time weren't going to be on our side. So then we thought, let's go somewhere in the US that we want to visit. I have 5 states left to make a perfect 50, so I thought, Seattle, Portland, but that's ALL the way across the country. Then we thought Chicago, but Laura is going to be sunning herself in Mexico over break and seriously, I can't go to Chicago when she's not going to be there. Then I remembered that Mary has never been to NYC and that's when the real plans began.

You all know that I have issues booking tickets. It's a combination of buyers remorse and the simple fact that I turn into an idiot and end up with the wrong dates or the wrong destinations. I'm always searching somewhere to visit so my brain gets all mixed up and when it's time to actually book a ticket I usually screw it up. So, I waited and waited and this week checked on prices, only to discover that tickets from Raleigh to New York have gone up almost $100 each... shit. I mustered up some impulse and thought, eff it, let's just make this happen. Sure enough I started getting more and more excited looking for hotels that I decided that my mom should come with us. Mary is getting married and we've never had a girl trip, so let's splurge!

Mary, Mom and I are going to New York for 4 nights! I've been to the city a few times, but in my life I have NEVER seen a Broadway show and for years I've wanted to see Lion King, so in an additional moment of splurging I bought us tickets for a show! Then my Aunt got wind of our trip and decided that we need to see the Rockettes, so we're going to that too! Yesssssssss

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