Monday, October 3, 2011

Punta Bonita near Las Terranas

Ok, you see that little peninsula on the northeast corner of the DR, the one where Las Terranas is located? Well that is where I spent my first 3 day weekend. All the new teachers arrived on August 10 and we've been working, working, working without a proper break, and well, you know how us teachers get when there aren't many breaks... 

Just a 2 1/2 hour drive from Santo Domingo and you can be in paradise on this tiny, but largest island in the Caribbean. Las Terranas itself is a small 3rd world town that just so happens to be surrounded by pristine beaches. This side of the island in the Atlantic Ocean, but let me tell you, that it's all Caribbean. The crystal clear, warm, salty water lapping up against super fine grained sand lined with palm trees. I'm convinced that it's the palm trees that make all the difference for the paradise feel, well, that and the bright blue, transparent pool of goodness that is the ocean here. 

Do you see the bay that is on the other side of Las Terranas? The side with Semana? That is the bay that the Atlantic Humpback Whales migrate to every winter so that they can either mate, if it's a mating year, or give birth, if it's a birthing year. Apparently the bay water is so warm and void of life that they aren't here to eat, they're here for protection, and because they parasites that suck off their bodies in the northern Atlantic cannot survive here and they die, relieving the whales of the pests. This happens from the middle of January to March, so if you are thinking of planning a trip to visit the DR, you might want to think of that time. Of course it's more expensive, but I'll let you know if it's worth it. I'm planning on spending my 40th birthday up there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ly,

I am Erika from TravelerVoice, a new social network for travel bloggers.

I just found your blog and I really like how you described your stories in Dominican Republic with beautiful pictures and assertive comments! It's exactly the kind of writing we are looking for our Living abroad section, please feel free to register :)

I am looking forward to hearing from you :)
