Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Can you hear me now, more like can you read my text now?

Why do Latin Americans love the Blackberry so much? I'd only lived here one week and the school took the new teachers on a little field trip to the mall so that we could all get cell phones. I'd already decided that I was going to splurge on my VERY first smart phone and that it was going to be an iphone! I'd spent the last couple of years with a $20 prepaid phone and I was ready to move up into modern times. There was a group of 6 teachers that were iphoners and we patiently waited in the typical 3rd world country line so that our smart phone dreams could come true...

Sounds simple, right? Well, as you know, absolutely nothing is simple when there is no customer service and we find out that the ENTIRE country is OUT of iphones! OUT. Not like, oh, we don't have any at this location, let us call another store, BUT all the stores in every city of this country is OUT OF IPHONES! Seriously? Can't we just float some over on a raft from Miami? Are you SURE?

Ok, so when do you expect to get a shipment? That question is like asking a Latino man to commit to monogamy with his wife, you're gonna be led around in circles and lied to and convinced that it is your fault that the shipment never makes it. Who knows? Damn, and I was all set on this purchase, had worked myself up to being a proud owner of an iphone, now what?


Aren't Blackberrys for trashy people, you know super low class? Oh, most people in the DR have a Blackberry, figures.

Ok, I'll take a damn Blackberry.

After a couple of months I've developed quite an open love affair with my BB. Yes, we are on initial terms now. I can received instant notices, you know, important ones, like my facebook notices that some has "liked" one of my photos. I can find myself on a map and mapquest my way to an adventure. This is great. And to top it off I actually really like having the tiny keyboard. I bought a touch screen phone and honestly I never use the touch screen. My hand are either too cold or too hot and sweaty to touch any screen. Yes, I love my new phone.

So? So this morning I woke up and my phone had no messages to report... huh? That is WEIRD, because, you know I am super popular and all my junk email gets delivered overnight and in the morning I have at least 9 new messages from Amazon, Old Navy, and my bank. This is strange, what is going on? I fiddle and fiddle and even try the BB website... nothing. Huh, did my school not pay my bill? (yes, my school pays my bill) I'm about to throw my phone against the wall when a group of students walk into my room and I vent my frustrations... hey guys, what the freaking freak is going on with BB? OH MISSSSSSSS!!! You DIDN'T hear??? The WHOLE system has crashed! BB IS DOWN!

Wait, what? Next step... Google News... Blackberry:

BlackBerry outage blamed on 'extremely critical' network failure

Blackberry outage spreads to U.S. and Canada

BlackBerry outage runs into third day

I guess I'll have to use my computer to check my emails... The phone part is actually working, but who uses the phone part of the BB?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Aren't Blackberrys for trashy people, you know super low class? Oh, most people in the DR have a Blackberry, figures." Are you serious?????