Monday, September 5, 2011

My New Digs

I really really really like my new apartment. Now, don't get me wrong, for the past two years I have loved having my roommates, but this time around was completely different. My life feels different here. I'm not sure how to describe it to you, but I feel like I've grown up a tiny bit - I KNOW, that's a huge statement coming from me, but let me clarify... I still think like a teenager in many ways and I'm not about to get super responsible on you, but I just feel, I don't know, more settled. Like I've found a little niche that I'm sitting comfortably in. School is challenging right now. The schedule is murder, but I'm going to do it and you know me, do it well. My days, afternoons and nights are filled with thoughts of lesson planning, but at least I can do that in a nice environment... My new apartment...

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