Wednesday, August 10, 2011

should have taken a raft

I know, I know, it's been a while since I've written, but I have a bunch of great excuses.... like - I was in Chicago, then Denver, then Hawaii and now I've packed up my life again and am headed to my new home in Santo Domingo, DR. You still don't buy it, well, I don't blame you, especially since in 2011 there is this cool thing called an ipad, or iphone, or things that you can access the internet anywhere on... soon, soon, I'll have one of those cool devices, but until then I need my laptop and free wireless. So I guess it's a good thing that my flight to the DR has been rerouted to New York where the wireless flows free unlike the ghetto Miami airport which is apparently to wet to accept flights from North Carolina, but ok for flights from other cities. I guess it was fate that brought me to this free land of internet.

News? Well, other than the fact that I have a new job, new apartment, new everything, not much... I did have a minor panic attack when the airlines told me that there is an embargo in affect for the DR right now and ALL I can bring is 100 pounds total. Damn. I really wanted a little more of my own things with me, but I guess I'll take my own advice and not worry about stuff so much.

I have lots of fun summer stuff to tell you, but that's going to have to wait and I'm sure I'll be needed to write about my first few days... until then

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