Saturday, August 27, 2011

Moving AGAIN

Relax.... I'm just changing apartments. For some reason, out of all the new people, I was the only person placed with a roommate. It's not horrible, but our personalities don't match, at all, and she wants to have her boyfriend come stay for a month. On top of that I pathetically let her have the master bedroom and have been regretting it ever since. I let someone 10 years younger than me bully me into something I didn't want, and YOU would think I'd know better! This move has been quite a learning experience.

So, one of the single teachers was placed in an apartment where no other teachers live and she's been super vocal about wanting to be closer to everyone (she's not that far). The school found a place for her to move and now her place is open. It's much smaller than my place, but quiet, and closer to the park. Why doesn't my roommate move, you ask? Great question. Well SHE doesn't see a problem with the way things are and says that she wouldn't mind if I had a guest for a month, so she won't move because she doesn't care about living alone. All I can say is GET ME OUT OF HERE!

So it's a good thing I haven't posted any pictures of my new apt because I'm erasing it from my memory!


Mary Yemma said...

can't wait to see pics of your new place. closer to the park is better anyways.

RIPer said...

Man I wish I could hear the stories around this (don't match.... AT ALL). Glad the universe offered you an out:-)

sara said...

yeah, I could tell from your earlier post that that apt and roommate thing wasn't working for you...glad you are finally settling in, I hope. miss you!