Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dear Spring Break, I need you ASAP

Around the globe schools are winding down and thinking about their last few weeks and we haven't even had spring break yet! Oh good golly I still have one more week before our beloved week off. Yeah, yeah, you are playing that tiny violin for me, thanks.

It really is that at the end of each day I feel like I've given my ALL and I can't possibly do the same tomorrow. I've become bored with this routine. Society continues to belittle teachers and treat us like we are lazy bums, when in fact 90% of the public has no idea what goes on in a classroom, or within the "system". I'm getting tired of being treated like a lower class citizen that was too stupid to pick another career. Don't get me wrong I've worked and do work with some super lazy, not very intelligent people, but who amongst you doesn't? You're trying to tell me that all the people you work with are fantastic and it's just the entire teaching profession that's lazy and just wants summers off?

I'm also sick of this soap box. I've been speaking out for years and because of this martyr profession of mine we, as a whole, get no where, and when we do band together the whole country shivers in fear and tries to dismantle us. Sometimes I wish all the hard working, dedicated teacher would quit so that the US could see what would happen. You want a safe learning environment for your kids? Well it's gonna cost you, just like that brand new SUV you bought, or that fancy new TV you spent 4 grand on.

While I sit here and bust my ass to create an interesting lesson for your kid you don't even have the common courtesy to make sure they've done their homework?

1 comment:

Lisa Y said...

Hey Meredith,
I sure hope you find that school you are looking for. I'm still searching, and I have super high hopes for my next contract. I have learned to lower my expectations over the years, but I can't help but be optimistic about this!

One of the challenges in Bolivia is that everything in this society is negotiable, for the rich anyway, so the kids are constantly trying to do as little as possible and weasel their way out of the mess they get themselves in to. Exhausting.

Good luck next year!