Friday, March 11, 2011

Hello hello to the distance

I don't know about you, but I have this nasty habit of destroying relationships before I move from a place. In 39 years I've had 38 different houses, obviously not in different states or countries, but I have moved back and forth from Colorado to NC a few times, and in the past 4 years lived in three different countries, and well each time I have this pattern of picking fights or nitpicking relationships, both with boys and girls to the point that by the time I move I am so relieved to be out of there and away from those people. Since wisdom comes with age and eventually aren't we supposed to learn from our mistakes, I've really become aware of this little technique of mine and I want to stop it. Bolivia, specifically Santa Cruz, has been a pain in the ass to live in, and the school is a school with all the political crap that comes along with it, but I've really enjoyed the students. You know that. I talk about them a lot. Well, I can see myself beginning to distance myself. They are doing it too. They know I am leaving and I can feel the change between us. It's hard to imagine anyone older than you was once your age, but I was the biggest jerk when I was 15. I know what that looks like. It doesn't hurt my feelings that they are pulling away, it's normal human behavior. What does hurt is that I'm repeating the same pattern and pulling away too. I don't want to do that this time around. I want to pull my suitcase away from this house and feel good about the times I spent with the people here.

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