Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Very Special Moment

A month or so ago my school decided that a positive way to increase school spirit would be to have not only student of the month awards, but staff of the month. The assistant principal sent out a form and teachers got to nominate a student. As far as the teacher award, the students met in their homeroom classes and voted. Since that day a few weeks ago, I haven't heard anything. Of course I picked one of my favorites (of course I have favorites, I am human) and nominated her for the award. After that there wasn't much talk about it... until today.

Today was the awards assembly and the day that the AP announced the winners of the awards. The student award went first and it was really touchy feely and you could see the school spirit creeping higher. Well, second was the teacher announcement. On a big screen they projected a power point that started listing characteristics of the person and I have to admit now that I can't really remember them all... but I had a feeling...

Then, it was announced, I was chosen for the Staff Award. I was smiling inside and out and bowed my head and walked to the front of the gym. The entire high school student body and staff were there looking down on me and I started to shake. I am a confident speaker, I can talk in front of anyone, but today I got nervous. I was shaking, and started to tear up as my assistant principal, principal and director all shook my hand and in pure Santa Cruz fashion kissed me on the cheek. Whew, that was nice, but wait, I have to stay in the front? Yup, because down comes three of my students armed with little pieces of paper that they have written a speech about me on! Oh, here comes more tears... it was sooooooo sweet. They grabbed the microphone and started describing why I was chosen. I kind of blacked out during the whole thing, but the one characteristic I remember quite clearly is that one thing they like about me is that I've taught them not to take life too seriously! Really? I did that? Wow. You never know the impact you have on others... One thing I LOVE about being a teacher is that I often DO get to hear the impact I've had, even if it's years later. I am proud to be a teacher. I am proud to work with the young people of the world.

This was a very special moment indeed.


Sharona said...

Omigosh, that's WONDERFUL! I would've been tearing up like a mofo. And how powerful to hear your impact while you're still making it.

NaRiHo said...

Congratulations... you truly deserve it :-)

Jane said...

That is such an honor.

Mary Yemma said...

Woo Hoo! Congratulations.

drifter.gypsy said...

You might have been the only one surprised by this. So deserved if you ask me!!! Quite the honor. Congrats!