Saturday, October 23, 2010

Should I stay or should I go nowwwww

It's that time of the year, well for international teachers anyway, to start looking for a new job for the following school year. I know it seems far out, but with the visa process and picking up your entire life, it's good to have a nice head start.

I am only a few months into my second year here and the school year is going MUCH better than last year. My group of students this year are heaven and I am thoroughly enjoying being their teacher, and since 80% of my life is my work (while school is in session) that is a major part to consider. The other part is the town I live in and, well, you know how I feel about that. Santa Cruz is a strange place. The people here have so much pride for their city. The other day my kids asked me if I thought people here were "nice" and I told them they needed to walk down the street a few steps behind me to answer that question. We, gringos, stick out here and let's just say that this town doesn't seem to be very welcoming to being "different". My roommate with her really blonde hair, my tattoos and our new adopted brother is over 6 feet tall in a society where 4'10" is more normal than 6'. Whew, we are a walking circus act... To bear it you have to put up some thick walls and just bust a move on the sidewalk. Now, even when I wear long sleeves the stares happen, I just like to blame it on my tattoos. Don't even get me started about when they discover I only have one partially brown eye.

Then there is the trash and chaos that is the city. Each time I leave the house I am reminded. Reminded that the quality of air here has my lungs smoking a pack a day. Reminded that men continue to just pee anywhere they feel, not bothering to even shield themselves in any way. Reminded that the canals built to deal with the monsoon rains during rainy season are filled with trash. I am a broken record with this stuff. Can I bear another year AFTER this one?

Then I think of my students. Those young beings that I have made a part of my family.

I have a mental pro and con list started, but I need to put it on paper. I am paying a colleague to "fix" my resume and think it would be irresponsible of me not to even look for other jobs, so let the fun begin.

1 comment:

NaRiHo said...

I think you should move on to a new adventure some place else :-) but you know what they say about opinions :-)