Tuesday, October 26, 2010

No thanks, I prefer blueberries

How about this... when life gives you lemons, and you don't like lemons, pass them on to someone who does and go pick your own fruit. Take charge, advocate, find your passion and go for it.


Kelly Landau said...

Is this one of the quotes that Pops is forwarding to you? Or did you actually just say to this to yourself recently and wrote it down? Because honestly, this is... classic. Beautiful. Inspirational. I am writing it down. And then wondering what my fruit of choice is going to be.

Lisa Y said...

This is an LY original! Hee hee. Been thinking of this whole lemonade business and why should I have to make some juice out of something I don't like in the first place... well I like lemonade, but I'm sick of not just going for it... Whew, I can't wait to see you next summer :)

Dalia said...

I love this! So inspiring :)


(hehe, I was looking around people's blogs to get inspiration for my own and remembered you have a great one, so that's how I ended up here. lol)