Saturday, July 31, 2010

25 July - Day 51: Island hopping and Baby Powder Showers

My new showering strategy is to have as little contact as possible with the frigid water and to simply douse myself with baby powder. I even resorted to putting baby powder in my hair. I understand the energy requirements to heat water, but it is really cold here - they tell me the coldest it's been in two decades and I can not bear to put my head under a shower of ice cold water. Imagine it's a 50 degree day and you decide to bathe with the yard hose.

Six more nights... six more - I hate thinking that way - wishing my time away, but I just got off a 2 1/2 hour frigid boat ride, the sun has not peaked through once today (even though I've been on three different islands) and I would pay $20 for a nice HOT shower!

I started my day in San Cristobal - jetted over to Santa Cruz - and have just arrived on Isabella. After a total of 5 hours on a boat I'm not looking forward to the boat trip scheduled for Tuesday. I managed to keep all my food in, but it's probably because at 6:30 am I drugged myself with two mareols and then I swallowed down one more for the afternoon ride. I probably should have taken two more and just passed out because the last ride was rough. It was a smaller boat and at times we were entrenched in a wave and couldn't see the horizon for a few seconds. That and slamming down in the waves was enough to bring up anyone's lunch. I listened to my IPOD and that kept my mind busy.

My first reaction upon arrival to Isabella is... ewwww, ugly. My hostel overlooks a vacant lot with an old dirty matress and laundry hanging. The "port" is not a port at all and just a dock that leads to a street. I don't have a sense of orientation yet - so maybe I'll feel better when I do. I usually catch on to directions fairly quickly, so we'll see how I do when I get some daylight hours.

  My hostel doesn´t look that bad, right? Well here´s the view across the street...

Bummer, really because the places on the beach are really nice...

Isabella is the largest island and made up of 6 volcanoes. Sierra negra is the 2nd largest crater in the world! The port here, Puerto Villamil, has 1000 residents and is referred to as "off the beaten track" (I'd say...) My guidebook doesn't even include a map of this town...

The plan for the week is three day tours and two free days. I've got my fingers crossed!

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