Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 7: Freaking cool basilica

Remeber the basilica I told you about the other day? Well I decided to go explore after school today. I walked from school (I love being able to walk places) to the north side of Old Town. The Basilica sits up on a slope and overlooks the city. In the guide books they say to be sure and climb the tower, so that's what I did...

Here is the Basilica, in all it's glory, sitting on the hill...

When you get closer to the church you see that the gargoyles are representative of animals native to Ecuador...

See the anteaters? How cool! There were many different animals represented...


and alligators... there was also turtles, jaguars, iguanas, but I was on the wrong side of the sun. I'll have to go back in the morning when the sun is shining on the front of the church.

So I walked around to the side and bought a $2 ticket to go up the tower. I had no idea what I was in for...
In the narrow staircase I came to the first floor and there was an overlook into the church.

Sorry it's so dark...

Finally I get to an arrow that points - this way to the tower... ok, I thought I was in the tower... nope I have to walk across this makeshift bridge first.

Ok, this looks totally safe. Hey, what is that at the end of this wooden path way? Is that a metal ladder?
Yup, it is...

Phew. I made it. Wait, what is that over there?

Shit, I don't like the looks of that! I think I'll just stay here and enjoy the view. Wait, what will my family say when I tell them that I went to the "almost" top of the tower. That is lame. Ok, deep breath, you can do it...

Ok, I'm at the stupid top of this thing... I don't like it one bit. It's windy and cold up here. Hey, the guide book says it's over 300 feet up!

Don't look down! Crap, I looked down. I could only hope to impale myself with some sort of gothic metal rod on the way down...

Ok, ok, I'll try and enjoy the view.

Damn there's a lot of houses out there.

Ok, it's time to go back down. Whew, I am all worked up and my stomach, which hasn't been normal in a few days is now in knots. I know people like adrenaline rushes, but I feel a bit queasy. I think I'll just head back to the bottom as fast as I can.

OMG, see that tall spire? That's where I was. Time to sit on a bench and relax for a minute. Now my head is filled with spanish and my guts are grumbling... nothing like traveling :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a scary ladder. I am proud of you for taking the risk,and living to tell about it. I hate heights! The look on your face at the top is pretty funny, too. The views were incredible. Nice for the rest of us to enjoy.