Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 5: It keeps getting better

After school I was walking in a neighborhood called "Gringoland" and I had this overpowering feeling of awesomeness. Like I've finally found a meaning to live. I know that sounds grand and huge, but those who know me know that I'm not afraid to die and sometimes, oftentimes,I look forward to death. Morbid I know, but I just think that way; have for a very long time. Today I didn't have this OMG I don't want to die feeling, I had this OMG I like this life right this second. I guess that's what people mean by living in the moment. There I was walking down the street with a big smile on my face.

So what exactly was I doing at this grand moment? Well, not much really. I just finished my afternoon sesson. I love Marta. She is funny, full of energy and acts like she really enjoys teaching me. We decided that we would practice some spanish at the market. I hadn't been over to the market in Gringoland, so it was fun to see a new place. Of course the market was full of tourist crap, but there I was speaking spanish with my "friend" just chillin in the mercado.

After class I decided to check in with my Galapagos tour guide, Lead Adventures, and tell them that I am here. One of the staff at the tour company went to UNCW!!! Seriously! I spoke with her husband today and we are going to make plans for lunch!

I know you think that I am this super outgoing person, but in fact internally, I obsess about everything. My brain never turns off and yes that is good when I'm a student, but when I'm in a group I am constantly suspecious of everyone. Seem like a bitchy way to be and I would agree with you. I come off as a super bitch sometimes because I am a bit shy. I KNOW, can you believe it, I am shy. Of course you know that I will speak my mind and defend people and myself even when it's uncomfortable for others to hear, but I learned that from my mother. She is not like that, but she taught us to stand up for ourselves. That is different than being in a bar or restaurant alone and being shy. This trip is HUGE for me, AND it feels great. I feels so good to push myself. I think that's why I love tattoos so much, it pushes my limits. Climbing Kilimanjaro also really pushed my limits.

Gringoland is great. It has outdoor cafes, plazas, tons of restaurants, and people walking and chatting. Like they were also have a grand ole time.

Sorry, no photos today. I was enjoying myself so much it never dawned on my to take my camera out! It's starting to feel like home here, so what photos do you want to see? I'll get back to the chruches, explore the giant park (bigger than Central Park in NYC), and up to the Virgin of Quito, oh and THE MALL, but I probably won't take any photos in the mall, people would think I was drunk.

1 comment:

Kelly, Salida Citizen said...

I came to a town of 5500 moderately kicking and screaming and afraid I would be miserable. A year and a half later I find moments and sometimes whole days where I am utterly and heartbreakingly grateful to be alive. To have this. This post from you, knowing just a little about you L, made me grateful on a different level. Keep looking for them, they are there for you to find.