Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 1: Pee my pants from excitement

Like a well oiled machine my flghts and airport pick-up were smooth as silk (I am really impressed with Copa airlines). I practiced my limited Spanish with the taxi driver and he actually was quite impressed. I think it's because Quito gets a TON of tourists that don't speak a lick of Spanish - kind of like the couple I was sitting next to on the plane that asked for "water" instead of "agua". It was a boost of confidence for me today and that is exactly what I needed.

After I checked into the hotel I immediately left with my map to wander the streets. I decided to head towards a park that is fairly close to my hotel and here's what I found!

Living in Santa Cruz is sucking the soul from my body! The filth and stench are overpowering and I'm sick of excuses - DON'T pee in the streets people. It's been a long time since I've been in a clean city, so seeing this park was amazing! The fantastic weather, people exercising, kids playing, and a little art fair. I didn't see one person peeing or stangnant dirty water anywhere! You will think I'm making this up, but when I walked past their bus station at the edge of the park I could have sworn I smelled soap! I literally stopped in my tracks and sniffed the air. There were no street dogs around on my walk today either. You gotta think it's because a more organized city might have strategies to deal with that. We'll see as I do more exploring.

Of course as I wander I come across a little market set up in the park. Very South America. I was struck by these oil paintings on sheep skin and ended up buying two! I bargained a little and felt good about helping the local community and getting a cool piece of art.

Tomorrow I'm headed into "Old Town" - I'll be sure to take lots of photos! Now I'm off for an early night, getting up at 1:45 isn't ideal and I'm feeling a bit dizzy...
Hasta luego


NaRiHo said...

I love that picture.. what a nice place.., now I'd like to be there.. I love the history ... tell me more...

Jorge said...

Youre giving us a bad rep lol