Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Farmer Lisa

I am ready for a change of pace... One of the great benefits of my job is that I don't get bogged down in a routine, however by May I have been in a semi-consistent routine for long enough that I am ready for a change. Good thing that in 17 days I'll be on a flight to Quito and ready to start shoveling some poo. You know how much I love animals and this summer I've decided to take it one step further and break from working with people, to work with animals. One hour south of Quito is a town called Tambillo. Near there is a conservation center that helps animals that have been confiscated by the government because of trafficking. I found Santa Martha Rescue Center while reading an article in Outside magazine about a center here in Bolivia. I'll be there for 5 weeks. I finally found and bought some rain boots and am stocking up on warm clothes from the market, so all I need to do is pack and be on my way... Whew.

On another note, my roommate and I have decided to stay in our same house for next year. This is a huge step for me since in 38 years I've lived in 38 different houses/apts. This will be my first time that I've lived in the same place as a renter for two consecutive years! I know! The thought of moving was exciting, but come to find out the rents in Santa Cruz have doubled over the past few years. The increase is being blamed on all the drug money that is coming through this town. Cocaineville should be the new name of the city.

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