Sunday, March 7, 2010

Who needs a bucket list? Just do it NOW!

I was doing a little searching around the internet and what do I run across? A blog about Bangkok Street Dogs. It seems that someone has been going around Bangkok and photographing the dogs and then writing little stories about them, and it seems that they've been doing it since 2005. Huh.

I did get a bit of feedback about my idea of writing a book. Right now I'm too busy trying to figure out what I'm going to do this summer. Since November I was signed up to volunteer at an animal conservation center in Ecuador, but I just got an email that the center is closing. Huh. So instead of being bummed I thought - hey - I can start looking for another opportunity. I get so jazzed about finding the adventure. Sometimes I have to watch myself or I'll have the next few months planned out, but not know what I'm doing tomorrow.

For example... spring break is coming and I talked about going to the Galapagos, but honestly it felt too rushed. So guess what? I've applied to VOLUNTEER on San Cristobal (an island in the Galapagos) for 7 weeks! I KNOW, isn't that freaking cool? Seven weeks on an island with blue footed boobies, seals, marine iguanas, turtles... well, actually I'll be volunteering in the highlands of the island and working on a sustainability project. The organization, Hacienda Tranquila, is working toward helping the local community make good choices about what to plant and how to conserve this amazing resource. I will spend most of my time in the garden and working with people. I initially wanted to work with animals and looked into a program working with turtles, but they needed a 12 week commitment and I only have 8 weeks off. I have created quite an extensive list of places that would be fantastic to volunteer, so I'll keep that list handy whenever I have the urge to plan an adventure.

As far as spring break goes... my roommate and I have decided to head to Sucre, a town in the mountains of Bolivia, and take some Spanish lessons. We'll be there for the week, exploring and practicing. In April I'm supposed to be chaperoning a trip there for the 10th graders at my school, so it will also be good for me to check it out.

My life is exactly how I want it right now. I know I should have a husband, mortgage and some kids by now, but let me tell you - that is not for me. You go ahead and enjoy that for me - I'm going to plan my next trip!


sara said...

You Are Awesome!

yomama said...

Write your book Lisa. I just put the Bancock Street Dogs in my Favorites. I am such a softie for animals and espically dogs.
