Friday, March 12, 2010

Back to the Future

I'm sorry David, I just don't like your show. You know, the show you produce and star in... the one set in California. I gave it the good ole' college try, but I've abandoned ship - even though I have the second season all nice and bootlegged sitting right in front of me. It's just too predictable, and I am not sure why my colleagues think it's so funny, but I'm not laughing that much. I really did want to like it. I'm not offended, just bored. I've seen this all before... sure wish it was better though, since I have the discs and all...

On the other hand - I now have a crush on Tony Soprano. You know that I'm a late bloomer, right? I've been telling people that for a while. I'll get to all that modern stuff ya'll have been doing for years, I'm just a bit behind. All those movies and shows you've already seen, well they are on my list. In the past month I've managed to finally watch the first season of the Sopranos. Now that is a cleaver show. I'm must have been a bad ass criminal in my past life because I just connect with those characters. I was hooked on Oz a few months ago. Yeah, yeah I know it came out like 10 year ago. Told you - late bloomer.

Mafia and prison life, now them are some good themes.

Sometimes being stuck in a third world country with no TV has it's advantages. Of course I have no idea what is currently happening, I suppose I'll catch up on 2010 sometime in 2020.

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