Wednesday, March 17, 2010

That damn grass was supposed to be greener over here!

I've lived in 38 different houses in 38 years. Of course some of those houses were in the same town, but I've lived in four different countries (including the US) and five different States. I've been around. And every place I've lived I can look back and think of something that I miss about that place. Something that I enjoyed and when I think about it I take a deep breath and think - ahhhh - that was nice.

So I was lying in my bed for the 20th hour on Sunday - I've had an intestine thing and couldn't move too much - and I got to thinking... hummm, I really miss those Sunsets from Inya Lake. Damn living in Yangon was hard, but man those sunsets. Oh, and I really miss seeing Buddha everyday. All trillion of them. Wow, I didn't realize a year ago while I was sitting on my foam couch in my converted hotel room that I would be sitting here today - fondly remembering Inya Lake. Ok, so maybe as I sit in this twin sized foam (see a trend here) bed for hours I've come to a revelation - figure out what you really enjoy where you are right this second and, well, enjoy it. Really enjoy it. Like say to yourself: "Damn, I really enjoy this _________!"

So I sat and sat, and hours went by, and now even 3 days later I have no clue what I'm going to miss about this place. Of course the people. People don't count. You would miss your friends no matter where you were, so, no, people don't count. So I really have been racking my brain. What in the hell am I going to miss about Santa Cruz de la Sierra? Seriously, what?

I'll let you know if I think of something.

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