Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Need I say more?

Today was the 8th grade continuation ceremony at my school. So I'm there and we're in the cafeteria for some cake and I look over and see one of my students from Cole! I had him in my very first year for 7th and then in 8th grade. I recognized him right away and his name came spewing out (even though I haven't seen him in 4 years)! So remember the stat of only 38 of those Cole kids graduating, well he is one!!! He is done with high school and is planning on the Army. Years of crappy pay and disrespect from society cannot diminish this moment. I am so proud.


NaRiHo said...

See like the plaque says - Making a Difference - you do, and you did, and you will, God Willing! :)

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I am Dennis, your dad's cousin that lives in Germany. I have been overseas for 18 years now and do not miss the good ole USA at all. We have spent 16 years in Germany and traveled most of Europe, 2 years in Okinawa and traveled to China, Hong Kong, and Guam. I spent a year in Thailand during the Viet Nam Era. You will find Burma absolutely beautiful despite the mess made by the military regime. Southeast Asia is a treat to travel through and as you get to know the culture and people, you will find that you have been blessed with the opportunity. I have been trying to talk my wife into us applying to International Schools, but we are now a couple of years from retirement and own our home here in Germany, compliments of Uncle Sam and the taxpayers. I do hope to finish up in Italy where I have made connections with both the Faella, my mother's family, and the Iemma's. take care and always make the most of every opportunity, even if you have to create them.