Saturday, January 12, 2013

Mary and Kyle get married

I may not have been the most knowledgeable maid of honor, but I was sure the proudest.

My sister is the type of person that brightens a room. She wakes up with a smile and is immediately friendly, truly kind. She doesn't fake it, she really is the kindest person I know.

We didn't grow up too close. Being 8 1/2 years older than her, and a messed up type of kid, I wasn't kind, and I couldn't fake it. I've done a lot of stupid things, but my biggest regret is being mean to my sister. Underneath all this witchy hair on my head, is an actual witch. My only saving grace is that my evilness didn't seem to have much of an affect on her. She is generous, forgiving, and loving. The nicest person in our entire family.

Needless to say when she asked me to be a part of her wedding I was ecstatic. I didn't have a real wedding and I've only been to a couple, so I had no clue how these things are supposed to work. That and I live in a different country. I had moments of guilt that I wasn't there for her. Oh, I forgot to mention that she is also the most organized person I know. She set her mind on a destination wedding, planned every step and ended up with the most fantastic wedding ever.

She decided that the wedding should be held on 12/20/12 and chose the islands of Turks and Caicos. Knowing that I got out of school on December 17 last year, she thought her planning was perfect. Well, Christmas was weird this year, so in the end I took an entire week off of school. The first time in 10 years that I have actually taken any personal days, and guess what, I am SO glad! My principal actually had the nerve of asking me if I could take less time for the event. I told him, that the absolutely LAST thing I would say on my death bed is that I wished I'd taken less time for my family - forget about it. I took the entire week!

The wedding was at Beaches resort in Provo. You know I travel cheap-o style and the smallest conveniences would impress me, but you would surely be impressed with this resort. It was so nice and relaxing to be in a place where you don't have to worry about a thing, except celebration.

We all showed up on Monday and kept ourselves busy in the sand and sun until the big day. One of my fears of having my own wedding was that my dad would walk me down the "aisle" and I would sob from emotion. Mary did fantastic!

One of Mary's goals was to have a barefoot wedding. Leave it to my dad to forget to take off his shoes :)

The ceremony was beautiful. Looking out onto the ocean, peaceful, perfect weather. Standing up next to my sister while she marries the love of her life felt incredible. 

I'm not serious too often, so in between making jokes I managed to have a few "normal" smiles.

Glad the photographer caught the "real" us :)

It's been a decade since we've had a family photo. A wedding is a perfect place to catch up...

and now I suppose we have one more person to add to the photo...

Kyle Yemma, sounds pretty good, huh ;)

Happy wedding you two! I love you, am super proud of you and can't wait to see you soon!

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