Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mayoral Candidates please read...

Dear Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia,

Your city is a dump. I just got back from my walk, yes - I try to keep in shape and exercise to have a better quality of life, and here is what I noticed when I left my gated condomino:

1. Your effort at laying cement for sidewalks seems to have increased, but can you work on actually paving the roads in your city? They dry, dusty dirt is blinding because of the swift winds.

2. There is trash everywhere. Plastic baggies, cans, papers, you name it - it's there.

3. There is a horse that just gave birth to a baby roaming free in the park by my condomino. Yes, they are cute, but who does this horse belong to and why is it by itself?

4. As I entered one of the main roads of the city the smell of putrid, rotting flesh, urine, and all over disgustingness filled my lungs. What is rotting and can you clean it up?

5. Are you aware of how many men are peeing in the streets? On the way home from work last week a little boy was pooping in the canal area. Yes, the canal, that collects the city's heavy rain water and presumably brings it to our faucets. Have you heard of the plague?

6. The cars on your streets do not meet any guideline acceptable to drive. The exhaust is horrendous.

7. Your citizens are rude. I am aware that men can be pigs so I am wearing a 3/4 length shirt to cover my arms, and shorts down to my knees, a hat, sunglasses and headphones. Is it really necessary to honk, whistle and yell at me while I'm walking?

8. What about the bribing problem in the city? A 14 year old boy drives (the "legal" age is 18 here, right), is drunk and gets pulled over by an officer. What happens? The boy offers a bribe of 50 bs and is told to offer more. They boy successfully pays 100 bs ($15) and is off in the car driving drunk and underage.

9. How do you plan to create laws to help your city with the corruption of government offices?

10. The mayoral election of this dumpy city is approaching. What are you going to do?

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