Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Surs are Brrrr

The weather is schitzo here. One minute it is close to 100°F and it’s all I can do to stop complaining about my upstairs bedroom being an sauna, and the next morning you wake up and BAM the clouds have rolled in and the wind is whipping through the palm trees and it’s now 50°F. Yeah, yeah, you think 50 isn’t that bad, but let me tell you that it only takes a year of living in the tropics for 50 to chill you through to the bone. I didn’t expect this temperature variation here. I packed 2 pairs of long pants (both jeans) and no comfy sweatshirt at all. After wearing flip flops every day last year, it’s quite an adjustment to wake up to the chilly rain.

Looking though my window at home you can see the clouds rolling in and almost feel the creepy cold.


NaRiHo said...

That is a cool picture from your bedroom, and we know exactly what you mean about freezing when the temp goes down.. even living in FL it is s cold when the temp goes to 70 here and the wind if from the North! brrrrrr

The pictures of the lake and La Prez are so beautiful and the people in the outfits are cool. I especially like the guy walking his cute lama :-)

sounds like you are having a good time...and seeing as much as you can fit in, good for you! If I or your Mom wins the lottery we'll be over !!!!!!

Malini Mohan Kumar said...

you have an interesting blog here! pictures are really cool :-)

will keep coming to your blog!

All the best