Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Coke-head Sammy

Ok, we’re in Copacabana and upon the recommendation of a friend to only drink hard liquor at such high altitude (3,841 m = 12,602 ft!!) we’re a little tipsy. After dinner we’re sitting at a bar that literally looks like someone opened up an empty room for the evening and threw in some chairs and a few tables. When fancy drinks are less than $3 they seem to keep coming and the next thing you know your roommate is doing a jager bomb. Laughing. You know how after a while at the same bar you get antsy and it’s time to find a new spot or go home? Well you can’t get me liquored up and then send me home, so we leave the bar to find a wheelbarrow leaning against the building outside the door. Not being able to resist my roommate jumps in and I think it would be a good idea to take her for a ride. More laughing. We get in trouble by some local person and get directions to the late night bar. Head right and then right again and walk until on the right you see a door. Oh, ok, clear enough, let’s go.

We get inside and order up some, what?, beer? Ok, sure why not. What is that I hear? Music that IS NOT salsa? Yahoo, let’s dance. We’re jamming to Oasis when a guy we met earlier (as our waiter) pulls me aside and says in his broken English, “I have a surprise for you! I have a surprise for you! I have a surprise for you!” He repeats himself a few more times and starts pulling me in the direction of the bathroom. I reach for my roommate and pull her with me. We’re both pulled into the stall of a bathroom and he is giddy with excitement and keeps telling us he has a surprise and before you know it we are directed to the back of the toilet. Huh? What? Whoa! Wait! WTF? NO! Eww! Ummmmm… My roommate backs out of the crowded stall and pulls me with her. OMG, OMG, OMG, are you kidding me? What just happened? Before you know it Sammy is back out on the dance floor, maybe a little more energetic, and has managed to weasel his self into most of our pictures from that night.


kelly said...

How could I have not seen that coming??? Ha! I saw that guy in your other pics.. so funny they assume the gringas would be all over it. No coca esta noche amigo.

Laura said...

Well, you are in Bolivia.

sara said...

oh my...it's just never a good idea to follow a "stranger" into a bathroom...just for future reference.