Friday, September 4, 2009

Jones - N

I really, really, really want to go to a "real" mall. I am dying for some good old fashion Bath and Body Works lotion and body splash. I would love a Starbucks coffee and oh how good does a chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A sound? I loved just strolling around Whole Foods and what I wouldn't give for a delicious smelling candle! I keep thinking of plopping down in front of my parent's nice, huge TV and vegging out for a few hours. Oh, how about walking down the street without being worried about being pistol whipped or held up at gun point. Just to zone out for a bit. It's tough living in a new place and getting settled. It's tough being on guard every second. It's tough not being able to hop in my car and run some errands. Don't get me wrong... it's all worth it, but this week has been a week from hell and I would love some familar things around me. I did bring a stock pile of some lotions and body products, but each day, as I use a little more I get stressed about that one moment - when poof- no BBW left in my closet. You all who knew me back home know that I am a lotion addict. I have been known to have rubbermaid bins filled with BBW stuff in my closets. I find comfort in having a stockpile of body products. Food - now I don't care about that so much, but lotion - now that's what makes me happy!

Tomorrow I'm getting up early to help with a Habitat for Humanity project. I'll bring my camera and post some pics from the day. Until then, I'll burn the last bit of my US candles (please, try and find a good smelling, good quality candle here!) and get some rest. Of course that is after my pilates class.


NaRiHo said...

Would you like me to send you somethings?
I will you know.

Caroline Hallereau-Williams said...

Lisa, I will send you some BBW lotion and candles. Just let me know what your favorite scents are...