Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Made it to Jackson, WY

Enjoying my morning sitting in the Snow King Resort listening to some summer time construction. Before we left we watched a special on Yellowstone from Animal Planet and I think humans are just like the animals here. Taking advantage of the summer months before it turns to cold, harsh winter. There is activity everywhere. People hiking, biking, playing sports, running. You can tell the town is filled with "outdoorsie" people. What a great environment. I'm sure those who stay here full time love it in the winter too, but I am glad to be here in June. It's gorgeous. The air is cool and crisp and they sky is clear. The wind blows and actually evaporates the sweat on your skin. Ahhh, coolness. The temps are up to 80 F so just perfect.

We left Wilmington at 6:00 am so after getting up at 4:15 (thank god the airport is close) we flew in to Atlanta for a very short layover and then off to Salt Lake City for another very short layover and finally on to Jackson Hole. The airport is tiny, and I've flown into some tiny airports.

We are all set to pack up in our rented Subaru Outback when the stupid thing won't start. We tried a bunch of things, hey maybe the doors need to be closed, is it in park, and nothing. Come to find out the battery is dead so the guys says, hey is it just you two? Do you have a lot of luggage? So he offers us an upgrade to a convertible Mustang. I immediately think of driving through the crisp air of Yellowstone with the top down and say, yeah! So here's the hot car...

He looks like an old man trying to act young, huh?

We drive from the airport to the town of Jackson (just a 10 min drive) and the room is not ready yet, so we decide to head up the mountain. This is a ski resort so the hike is not long, but basically straight up. I (not sure why) decided to carry a backpack filled with tons of crap. So I trudged up. Dad did great. Hiked quick, took breaks and says he felt fine. We had a bit of water with us, not enough, but some. Finally made it to the top and were rewarded with these views...

Looking NW at the Tetons

Dad looks pretty good, heh?

Looking S from the top of Snow King Mountain.

The town of Jackson, WY

Me and Dad at the top of Snow King Mountain

After hiking for a couple of hours we checked into our room (I'll take a pic later) and cleaned the sunscreen and sweat off and headed out to dinner at the Mangy Moose. Dad's coworker suggested that we eat there. It's a few miles away, up the valley, in a town called Teton Village. A rustic decorated restaurant with moose heads, pronghorn heads, deer heads hanging on the walls. We ordered yummy micro brewed beers and I got a big, fat burger and dad got buffalo meatloaf. We were starving from not eating much lunch and hiking so we gobbled up the food and of course stuffed ourselves.

Here's me standing in front of the restaurant.

This sign is in Teton Village. This place reminds me of a small Vail. Not sure why the pic is so washed out.

After dinner we decide to go for a ride north to see if we can spot any big game. Dad is dying to see some moose or elk. We followed a road that turned into dirt and began our search. We didn't see much, but we found a lot of mosquitoes. Suckers.
On the road back to Jackson we spotted some pronghorn. Dad pulled off and tried to get a shot with my little camera.

Ohh, proghorn butt shots. This was not going to satisfy dad, so he tried the mega zoom and well without a tripod this is what you get...

blurry pronghorn butt.

And to end the day... The sun sneeks behind the Tetons, ahhhh

1 comment:

NaRiHo said...

OMG !!!!!!!! What great pictures!!!! I spent 2 days in Jackson WY in 1969 :-) I am so jealous.... I so wish I was there!!!! BEAUTIFUL... thanks for sharing, can't wait to see more....