Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So this morning at 5 am it hit me that I'm moving to freaking Burma. Seriously? Tonight is the packing party. I'm busy prepping the goods so we can start the party right away. The goal is 2 checked bags (50 lbs or less) and one carry-on. We'll see if I can make it. I do have another carry-on ready just in case.

There are so many things to reflect on as I pack up my life and head for a third world country. Of all the changes I am most nervous about teaching there. I am so used to "inner city" kids who put me on a pedestal. My challenges are going to be completely different. It is an interesting situation because I know in two years I am going to look back with fond memories and joy, but right now I am nervous about my new classroom, supplies, other teachers, the students, time for prep/planning, and basically everything to do with my new school. What I have not made time for is to be nervous about what I'm going to eat or the differences of day to day life. We'll see what the biggest challenges are when I get there.

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