Wednesday, July 16, 2008

If only I was around for Xmas...

I was checking out a blog I like to read... she went to a craft fair in San Fran and took pics of a bunch of cool stuff... so I went to one of the websites... If you are in the market for some funky organ related gifts check it out. Here is their uterus gift pack (comes with a stuffed uterus, t-shirt and button), and don't worry they have a pancreas, heart, kidneys, liver, etc..., pack. Be sure to check out their free e-cards too.


sara said...

i told Sharona that you like her blog and showed her your blog. She said you look way too cool to be reading her blog.

Sharona said...

WAY TOO COOL. I can't believe someone with such hot tattoos reads my blog! Seriously. I'm drunk with pride right now. And maybe with beer, too.

Also: I've spent my entire life wanting to wear a uterus on a t-shirt, and's like a little slice of heaven.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you figured out what to do with Winnie. I miss the sweet little one.
I was thinking of you tonight when my little niece was schreeching in my ear- I thought- Yemma Momma would really enjoy this :). Then I laid her down for a moment b/c I heard my phone ring and I thought it might be my sis making sure I was doing okay, and sure enough she finally passed out! All the creative things I was trying wasn't helping- I just needed to leave her be. Also in case you are wondering it hit 102 degrees today- I thought I was going to wreck my car b/c it hurt to touch the steering wheel.