Monday, June 23, 2008


Well Mama has been quarantined until the blisters (eewww) have crusted over. Apparently the virus is airborne but only affects people who have NOT had chicken pox and then that person will not get shingles, they will get chicken pox. The virus that causes shingles is the same virus that causes chicken pox (a strain of herpes) and if you've had chicken pox (even a mild case, the idea that a mild case doesn't count is a myth) the virus is laying dormant in your body as we speak. Well for some reason, stress, compromised immune system, the virus reactivates, but this time since is was laying dormant in our nerve cells the reactivation can be very painful. Just like chicken pox, a person with shingles is only contagious until the blisters are crusted over. And just in case you were worried about contracting shingles, about 25% of people do.

If you know my mom, than you know that rest and relaxation is torture to her, so luckily I am here to teach her a few tricks, like how fabulous naps are...

1 comment:

NaRiHo said...

If you can get your Mom to take a nap - that be be close to a miracle :)