Friday, June 27, 2008

The Ko Visit

The Ko family came down to Wilmington today. Sara was looking for some yummy seafood, so we headed to the Dockside. Her twins (Cameron and Timothy (Mr. T)) are almost 5 months old. It was really nice to see Sara as a mom :) and YES I held the babies. I have to tell you that it was the longest I've ever held a baby in my life. Don't worry hanging with them only reinforced my choice to not have my own kids. Sara is amazingly patient and great with the kids... I'm just glad I can take a nap later!

Sara and I have known each other since the 7th grade. I was on my 3rd middle school when we met. She asked me if I liked blue or red better, no brainer, blue of course, so automatically I was a Carolina fan and we were friends. We ran track together in both middle and high school. She went off to culinary school in New York while I was at UNCW. I was able to visit her every year for four years and then she went out to San Fran, where she has been ever since. She is a wonderful person and friend. She is an amazingly talented pastry chef and although we have very little in common anymore we have the same sense of humor so it works! It was great to see her and meet her family.


Anonymous said...

im surprised you held a baby

NaRiHo said...

Cute kids!