Sunday, June 8, 2008

It's Africa hot

So when I was in Africa last summer I kept waiting for the heat to kick in. You know Africa hot... well on Kili it was freaking cold and then on our safari the sun really never made it out and it was never hot. Well, yesterday I found Africa's heat. It's stuck here in NC. Yesterday was the hottest I think I've ever been in my entire life. Different kind of heat than when we were in the Grand Canyon roasting. This heat was the kind where you were dripping with sweat with no possibility of evaporation at all. Wilmington actually broke a record yesterday for the hottest day this early in the summer in recorded history. I guess this is part of my heat training for Myanmar... The pool water in my parents backyard is 87 degrees, so it feels great. I know you are thinking it's too warm, but I love it like that. The ocean temp will get there soon :)


NaRiHo said...

Sounds like you experienced "Florida Hot" ! Our temp. from June to through the end of Nov is always in the high 90s ! And the humidity is always very high too! Plus we are the lighting capital of North America so we have that to deal with every afternoon! I always say that my address all summer long is " 3 miles from the sun"! :)

yomama said...

I "ditto" Nancy on that one!