Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thank god for vaccines...

In general I hate Kaiser, with ONE EXCEPTION... their travel clinic. My travel adviser spent a half hour on the phone with me today thoroughly explaining the risks of my move. For a few years now I've been leaving the country for impoverished places where infectious diseases are a threat to my lily white blood... So today I called about my trip to Burma... Last year I got shot up with Hep A, yellow fever and polio... this year I get to add rabies, the new tetanus with pertussis and yes, japanese encephalitis! All for the price of a copay (at a travel clinic it would be hundreds of dollars)! It seems that malaria is not a problem in the city, but anywhere outside the city it is, so I'll be taking along malaria meds for when I travel. Damn mosquitoes. Oh and some yummy super strength antibiotics for diarrhea :) We really don't realize how fortunate we here are in the US do we?

1 comment:

alexisaltoon said...

Dengue Fever... I like that band.