Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lesson # 1,000,000

I know, I know, I'm 36 and just learning the big lessons of life, but I keep thanking the universe that I am learning late rather than never! So my newest lesson... what people say and do has NOTHING to do with you! So, as you know my principal called me to the office and was very negative and mean, but tried to make it out that I was the negative, mean one. Well after my hypnotherapy session I realized that our little conversation had absolutely NOTHING to do with me! I refuse to take on her issues and give any energy to the situation. She had me all worked up and now I realize that she has to deal with the situation of me quitting in her own way and it's all her stuff, not mine. WOW, what power. Now that you know that other people have their own issues and what they say and do is not about you, you can free yourself. Free yourself from taking on other people's issues. I am going to take my power back and not let other peoples' issues affect me. Yeah, deep breath and let it go...


Anonymous said...

I need to do the same!!

Anonymous said...

I need to do the same!! Mama

NaRiHo said...

WOW! Way to go Lisa! You are growing wiser every day , and I know it feels great inside to be free! Like the song goes - "Life ain't always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride!" I think you are finally enjoying the ride :)