Friday, July 12, 2013

Soaking wet puppy

The remnants of the tropical storm Chantel have arrived in NC. Since I've been back I can't count the number of times I've heard things like "this is the wettest spring I've ever seen", or "the weather is so unusual", or "I've never seen weather like this". You realize where I'm going with this, don't you...

I had to gear up to take Fresa to go outside to pee this morning. She wouldn't venture into the backyard by herself. It only takes 2 raindrops falling on her head for her to turn around and give me that "huff", and well this morning is torrential rain. Instead I had to literally drag her on the leash, which is the second option, the first being just picking her up and putting her in the middle of the grass. Bonus of having a 9 pound dog. I'm imagining the days when it's below zero and it takes ME 5 minutes to put on enough clothes to go outside. She's gonna need a winter wardrobe.

Should I go with the sweater type outfit?

Or more the performance gear?

The built in shoes are an added bonus...

She could just go with the the separate jacket and boots. Yup, I think that is a more versatile choice. You know how practical I am.

Perhaps just a hood?

Did you know they make raincoats for dogs? This is GENIUS! 

Have I just turned into THAT person???

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