Monday, June 24, 2013

Hunt not a complete fail

Last night we went in search of a view of the Supermoon. All day the clouds were building and as the evening grew closer the clouds grew thicker. With low expectations we headed out to Fort Fisher State Park to wait out the moonrise. Fresa's first trip to Ft. Fisher was filled with digging, sniffing and more digging. This end of the peninsula is protected from commercialism and there is not a house or store to be found. Just endless stretches of sand.

I forgot about the tire tracks. Driving on the beach, huh.

The clouds let through a bit of the sun set.

The clouds to the east were thicker and thicker and spread from sky to sea. I refused to leave and although we didn't see the awesome huge moon rise on the horizon, we did get a glimpse peeking through the clouds.

It was nice to see a handful of people down at the beach to try and see the Super Moon. Gives me hope that people have not completely lost touch.

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