Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Love, rants, dogs, gratefulness

I've been thinking of my next tattoo. Currently I don't have any words inked on my skin, but I think it might be time. I'm going to wait until I land in my next spot! How exciting does that sound?? 

I went to work still a bit sick today. Feeling under the weather makes my mind wander and it was all I could do not to just walk in that classroom and throw my backpack down and say "I QUIT". I am soooo bored with students right now. I am bored with the teenage drama and maturity or lack there of. I've always tried to make my lessons as fun and interesting as I can and I am often dancing around the classroom, giving all the energy I can. Well, this group is a group of soul suckers. Learning about buoyancy sucks, ok, it sucks, but you can either learn this so we can move on, or you can just ignore me and keep failing basic exam questions and look like a person who had an IQ below 70. Oh, you have a normal IQ, you just don't care? Oh, great, what's worse? I guess for 10 years I've been caring for all of us, and I just don't care about buoyancy anymore. And now that I know more, about loving myself, about being a combination of the people that surround me,  I realize how vital it is for me to get out of here. Part of the problem is that I fundamentally disagree on how our education system works and what the "benchmarks" are for teaching. We are loosing entire generations of kids over buoyancy. Next step, ready.

I've been thinking about my love for animals. I really want dogs to be a part of my life and not just as pets. I can have a pet dog, of course, but I want to spread doggie love to more than just one pet. 

So I'm gonna keep dreaming big and try not to wish the days away. I am sure I can find something to be grateful for each day. Today I am grateful for the weather. It was 85, sunny and dry, perfect today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It sucks to hate your job. I hope the next few weeks go fast for you.