Sunday, January 1, 2012

75 is room temperature - anything below that is inhumane

You know what's worse than a cold toilet seat?


I haven't been in the US in December since 2008 and I forgot how absolutely much I hate the cold. Well, no, that's a lie, I know I hate the cold, but I actually did forget just how miserable it is.

Our first night in Manhattan was COLLLLLD...

Our hotel was right in Times Square and you couldn't have asked for a better location. Our family loves exploring places on foot so we walked for miles and miles around the city...

Our first big stop...

The American Museum of Natural History - one of my favorite places on earth. We got super lucky, because one of the temporary exhibits features the giant sauropod Mamenchisaurus - a huge long neck found in China. The exhibit focused on the physiology of being SO huge.

Of course the dino hall was a must see too...

We walked up to the upper west side, so cut through Central Park. I'm not used to seeing bare trees.

My Aunt Nancy bought us tickets to see the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall and the show was amazing. I wasn't sure what I would think, or how many times they could kick their legs, but the Holiday show was super cool. The timing of 50 girls on stage was perfect and I have a much greater appreciation for how much physical fitness goes into being a Rockette. Thanks Nancy :)

There was even a couple of 3-D parts.

In our travels around the city we passed lots of delicious restaurants. The mini cupcakes were a big hit!

As a Today Show fan, my mom really wanted to get down to Rockafella center and get on TV. Mary and I weren't too excited about it, so we didn't get up at the crack of dawn, but we did squeeze ourselves in...

One of the things I really wanted to do before I die is see a Broadway show. 2011 was the year for my first show. I decided on the Lion King and bought my sister and mom tickets and we celebrated surrounded by lots of excited kids in the theatre.

No trip to NYC would be complete without heading to the top of the Empire State Building. I had to take out a loan, but we took the elevator up. What were my thoughts while I was taking in the view? Damn, I can't believe that NYC has to bring in all their water...

The trip was great, and I am glad that I came home and glad that I spent the holidays with my family.

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