Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving - Jesuit Missions of Bolivia

I may work in South America, but I work for an "American" school, so guess what, I get the next two days off of school to celebrate our time honored tradition of Thanksgiving. My two roommates and I are orphans here in our 3rd world country, so instead of sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves, we've planned a little excursion.

If you pick up the Lonely Planet guide for Bolivia, you will see that one of the highlights for the state of Santa Cruz (which is where I live) is the Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos. Apparently the Jesuits came to South America and brought their Catholic influences, but uniquely enough, integrated some of the local traditions as well. My students here in the city of Santa Cruz are very proud of that fact. That the missionaries didn't come and kill and enslave people and enforce ALL their traditions, but instead integrated into their church ways into the local culture and just added Jesus, and some crosses and stuff. This all happened as part of the Jesuit Reductions which was a strategy to "christianize the native people more efficiently." The native people were expected to adopt Christianity, but not the European culture. These churches were established between 1696 and 1760 and there are currently six churches in the "circuit" that have made it onto the UNESCO world heritage list and receive support from that organization.

Here is a map of Bolivia. You can see that the eastern portion is the state of Santa Cruz. This is where the Mission Churches are located.

I live in the city of Santa Cruz (affectionately called the armpit of Bolivia by Laura). My roommates and I have hired a driver (with a car) and arranged for a trip that will take us north from Santa Cruz to San Javier, where we will stop to look around, visit churches, musuems, have lunch, etc... We will then head to Concepion, do more of the same and spend the night. The next morning we head east to the "circuit". "Do" the loop of San Ignacio, Santa Ana, San Rafael, and San Miguel. Then we'll head back to Concepcion and then back to Santa Cruz. I don't know the specifics (that's what you get when you spend a little money and get the trip planned for you! It's a strategy that comes in handy every once and a while. Beats waiting for a bus that might never come). I am really looking forward to this four day trip of peace, quiet, and maybe some Jesus sightings. You know how those Catholics are... lots of bloody Jesus' on the cross, Mother Mary with baby Jesus, and Angels. Oh I hear there are going to be lots of Angels!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just remember, Jesus died for you. He has a sense of humor but some respect goes a long way.