Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mi Casa es tu casa

I need to get a pic of the outside of my house . We are in a gated community called the Condomino Britianna on the outskirts of "downtown". The neighborhood looks like it came straight from Florida. We have a 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath house with maids quarters and a pool in the backyard. The rent is $700... In addition to our maid we also have a gardener. I am in an upstairs bedroom with the bath room down the hall. I didn't want the bedroom with the bathroom because it felt too dorm like. I like my little set up so far. The "furnished" part was kind of frustrating since there was a lot to buy and my buyers remorse is getting lots of attention. Sometimes I hate that I'm so cheap about things. The details of the house are intersting. For example we don't have any hot water running to the kitchen tap, so when you want to wash dishes you have to boil water. Weird. Luckily my shower works well.

Although we arrived with the idea of living alone, we've decided to be a threesome and share the big house and expenses as well as feeling safer in a place that is apparently sketchy. We've been filled with stories of piston whipping and teachers being held up by gun point. One thing that sticks out is how difficult it is to get around with my 7 Spanish words. There are very few people that speak English here so getting a taxi and finding your way around is difficult. Luckily one of my roommates has lived in Costa Rica and Spain and her Spanish is awesome, so she has been a savior. I am working hard at not getting stressed out and taking things easy. That and not knowing my way around are frustrating, but I'm going with the flow.

The new group of teacher are great. We've all clicked and have spent a lot of time together. The support is amazing. There is no competetion here like in Burma. The teachers are supportive instead of trying to out-do each other. I love that environment.

In the bus with all our crap.
Back: Alejandra, Madja, Laura, Alissa
Front: Taylor, Me

School is going to be stressful. I'm going to take it one day at a time for now. That and learning spanish and finding my way around. Oui.

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